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Susan Arnold, Disney's board chair, has to decide whether to bet her own legacy on Chapek or to replace him, preferably with an outsider who has not been part of the company's recent prob- ems. Disney's shares have hit a 52-week low of $124.11.

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Chapek is at the center of this story, and his streaming strategy may no longer work. They are upset about Disney's stance on education about sexual orientation and gender in public schools. Also, the special status Disney has in the area around Orlando is under siege by the state's Republicans. The news that the subscriber growth of Netflix has ended shows that Disney's own streaming efforts may have peaked, or will soon. Mcintyre The pressure on the board of Walt Disney Company to oust CEO Bob Chapek has just wors- ened. 21d 14 3 Disney's Situation Gets Much Worse Douglas A.

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